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Bandhara irrigation is a minor irrigation system suitable for irrigating isolated areas, up to 500 hectares. The bandhara is similar to weir which is constructed across a small stream to raise the water level on the upstream side to divert the water through the canal.

The height of bandhara depends on the water level to be raised on the upstream side.

It is constructed with brick masonry or stone masonry with R.C.C crest. The crest width varies from 1 m to 2 m. The scouring sluices are provided at the bottom of the bandhara near the head reach of the canal.



1) The water of small streams can be utilized for irrigation purpose by constructing a simple structure.

2) The culturable area is generally close to the source. Hence, there is less possibility of transmission loss.

3) As there is no loss due to transmission, the duty of water is high.


1) Normally, the discharge capacity of small streams is low. Moreover, if bandhara irrigation is implemented on such streams, the people residing on downstream side will not get water for their use.

2) The supply of water mainly depends on rainfall. So, in the period of drought, this system is practically useless.



1) The source of water i.e the river should be a perennial one so that water is available from the river throughout the year.

2) Stable foundation should be available for construction of bandharas.

3) The banks of the stream should be high and well defined.


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