1) The pitot static tube measures a) stagnation pressure b) static pressure c) dynamic pressure d) difference in total and dynamic...

1) The major loss of energy in long pipes is due to a) sudden enlargement b) sudden contraction c) gradual contraction or enlargement d)...

1) Which one of the following is used to measure the discharge? a) current meter b) venturimeter c) pitot tube d) hotwire anemometer 2)...

1) Surface tension of water a) increases with decrease in temperature b) decreases with increase in temperature c) is independent of...

1) Hot wire anemometer is used to measure a) discharge b) velocity of gas c) pressure intensity of gas d) pressure intensity of liquid 2)...

1) Newton's law of viscosity relates a) intensity of pressure and rate of angular deformation b) shear stress and rate of angular...

1) An ideal fluid is a) one which obeys Newton's law of viscosity b) frictionless and incompressible c) very viscous d) frictionless and...

1) Pascal - second is the unit of :- a) Pressure b) kinematic viscosity c) dynamic viscosity d) surface tension 2) Which one of the...